Find a Domain Name
This tool will help you find an available Internet domain name for yourself or for your company. ITS can register domains names for those clients hosting their web site with us.
Example: WWW . MYDOMAIN . COM ^^^ ^^^^^^^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^^^^^^^ This is the root domain (org, com, net). ^^^ ^^^^^^^^^ ^^^ This is a domain name. ^^^ This is a machine name, and is not part of the domain name.
Of the three root domains shown in the above example, .com is the one most commonly used, and is designated for commercial domains in the U.S. The .org domain is intended for non-profit groups, while the .net domain is intended for Internet service providers. We can also register .info and .biz domains as well as a long list of others. Domains ending in .us are only available to U.S. citizens, residents, or companies doing business in the U.S.
- The search may take a minute or two; please be patient!
- Use only letters, numbers, or dashes
- Do not begin or end with a dash
- Use up to 67 characters total
Please enter lowercase letters only for our search, even though domain names are not case sensitive. Note there is a length limit of 67 characters on a domain name, including those for the root domain (for example, "" counts as 11 characters). Valid characters in a domain name are alphanumeric characters and dash (-). Note, however, that a dash (-) may not appear at the beginning or the end of the domain name.
Remember, www. is not part of the domain name!