When your ITS Standard Hosting account is activated, a special default e-mail forward account is set up automatically that forwards all e-mail messages addressed to anything@yourdomain.com to the e-mail address that you provided when you applied for your account.
If you create a specific e-mail address, e-mail for the addresses that you have not yet configured will still be forwarded through your default e-mail forward account.
When using the e-mail forwarding option, please keep the following in mind:
- As the account administrator, you are responsible for the proper configuration of the e-mail forwarding accounts.
- You should never forward e-mail to an address that is not yours, not valid, or is over quota. Doing so is a violation of the ITS Acceptable Use Policy, a waste of e-mail server resources, and can result in the remote host implementing a block against the mail servers used by your account. Any account holder found doing this risks the immediate termination of all services.
- If you enter an e-mail address into the default e-mail forwarding field, you will no longer receive e-mail messages in your Master POP account. For more information on the Master POP account, go to Enabling the Master POP Account.
- If you do not want to receive any e-mail messages through the default e-mail forward, you can enter devnull@yourdomain.com. The devnull feature allows you to have any messages forwarded to devnull@ deleted from the mail server. Devnull capability is available on all ITS Standard Hosting mail servers.
- If you do not need to forward your e-mail, please do not. Most of the accounts we offer have both Webmail and POP3 access. For more information on how to:
- Access your Webmail, go to Webmail.
- Configure your e-mail client to access your POP3 account, go to How to Configure your E-mail Program.
If you would like to change the address to which your Default E-mail Forward account forwards, go to E-Mail Forwarding.
Please note: the information on this page applies to ITS web hosting plans. It may or may not apply to other environments. If you are looking for a feature described here, or better support from your hosting provider, please consider hosting your site with ITS!
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