E-mail Forwarding allows you to configure any particular e-mail address at yourdomain.com to automatically forward to another valid Internet address. For example, you might want all e-mail sent to president@yourdomain.com to forward to the e-mail address of your company president. Any e-mail addresses that are not explicitly set to forward to another e-mail address or designated as a POP box are handled by the Default E-mail Forwarding Address. See E-mail Basics for more information.
To configure E-mail Forwarding for an address at yourdomain.com, select the E-mail Settings button in your Control Panel. In the Mail Forwarding section of the E-mail Settings screen, use the field provided to list which address at yourdomain.com you wish to forward as well as the Internet e-mail address to which you would like it to be forwarded.
For example, if your default forwarding address is user@aol.com, but you want sales@yourdomain.com to forward to an address at Compuserve, your mail forwarding options would look like so:
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