What's New: Windows 7 Doubles Vista's Usage
Five months after its release, Windows 7 has twice the installed base that Vista did after the same time period. Through last Sunday, reports indicate Windows 7 accounted for 9 percent of all operating systems in use online. By comparison, Vista had only a 4.5 percent share five months after its January 2007 release. Of course, Windows 7 enjoyed a holiday shopping season, and as a result is in use more often on home PCs than corporate PCs.
Generally, Windows 7 has been received as a "no-brainer" upgrade to Windows Vista, however, many companies still have older Windows XP computers that cannot easily be upgraded. Still, PCs with Windows XP may be as much as 9 years old this year, and a new replacement cycle is expected.
Tuesday, Feb 23, 2010 09:20 am CST
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