What's New: Keys To A Successful Web Site
Web sites generally serve one of two main purposes: to save time, or disseminate information. Think about the web sites you frequent for a minute; they probably fit one or both of these categories. For example, a bank whose web site allows online account access certainly saves time for both customers and bank staff, while providing up-to-the-minute data to customers.
To begin, write down the goals for your web site. Maybe there are just a few, but for some organizations there may be many goals. Having a list makes it easy to see how well your web site is meeting your goals, and what needs to be improved. Ultimately a successful web site should accomplish its goals. Every business should be all for saving time (a.k.a. money) and improving customer relations, but the question is, how to best accomplish that online?
See our full article for more.
Monday, Oct 3, 2005 05:02 pm CDT
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