Make StartCenter Your Home Page

Welcome! This page will appear when you first install Internet Explorer 7 from our web site. Upgrading Internet Explorer from our web site should retain your home page setting, however there appears to be a bug in Microsoft's installer that will reset it anyway. You are welcome to try out ITS StartCenter as your home page, but if you prefer change your home page back, use the instructions below.

We wanted to tell you about ITS StartCenter, a home page ITS has set up for our clients containing useful information, news, and software update information. To make ITS StartCenter your home page, or a secondary home page, follow these instructions:

Internet Explorer 7

  1. Type your desired home page (e.g., into the address bar
  2. Click the down arrow next to the Home icon on the toolbar
  3. Click the Add or Change Home Page menu item
  4. Select an option to either replace your current home page or to use two home pages, and click Yes.

Mozilla Firefox

  1. Select the Tools/Options... menu item
  2. The Options dialog will open
  3. Click the General icon on the left
  4. Under Home Page, in the Location(s) box enter:

    To set multiple home pages, separate them using a vertical bar, like so:|
  5. Click OK to save your changes

Netscape Navigator

  1. Select the Edit/Preferences... menu item
  2. The Preferences dialog will open, to the Navigator section
  3. Under Home Page, in the Location box enter
  4. Click OK to save your changes