When you ordered your new Virtual Private Server, you were provided a username and password for your administrative user account. This account is the one you will use to connect to your server to perform administrative tasks.
Your administrative user is the primary user for managing your Virtual Private Server, and has E-mail and FTP permissions. In addition, the administrative user is a member of the wheel group, which means that the administrative user can use the su command to become the root user.
When connecting to your VPS to perform administrative tasks, you should always connect using a secure protocol (such as SSH). You should avoid connecting to your VPS directly as the root user, and should never use an insecure protocol when doing so. See the Connection Guide for more information on the different protocols as well as the appropriate user to connect with.
A successful login will place you in the User Home Directory. Only the User's files and directories are accessible here. To access the main server directories you will need to change your current directory to the Server Directory.
# cd /
Please note: the information on this page applies to ITS web hosting plans. It may or may not apply to other environments. If you are looking for a feature described here, or better support from your hosting provider, please consider hosting your site with ITS!
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