Active Server Pages (ASP) is an open, compile-free application environment in which you can combine HTML, scripts, and component calls to create dynamic and powerful Web-based business solutions.
ASP runs as a service of the Virtual Private Server Apache Web Server and is optimized for multiple threads and multiple users. This means that it's fast, and it's easy to implement. If you use ASP, you can separate the design of your Web page from the nitty-gritty details of programming access to databases and applications. This frees up programmers to do what they do best--code like crazy--and, conversely, frees designers to worry about just the design rather than the database.
Files created with Active Server Pages have the extension .asp. With ASP files, you can activate your Web site using any combination of HTML, scripting--such as JavaScript, VBScript, or Perl--and components written in any language. This means your ASP file is simply a file that can contain any combination of HTML, scripting, and calls to components. When you make a change on the ASP file on the server, you need only save the changes to the file-the next time the Web page is loaded, the script will automatically be compiled.
Our Virtual Private Servers support the following implementations of ASP:
Chili!Soft ASP
Chili!Soft ASP is a Solaris UNIX implementation of Microsoft's Active Server Pages technology and uses VBScript as its native scripting language.
Another ASP implementation involves converting ASP code to PHP code.
- ASP2PHP - ASP to PHP Conversion Tool
Please note: the information on this page applies to ITS web hosting plans. It may or may not apply to other environments. If you are looking for a feature described here, or better support from your hosting provider, please consider hosting your site with ITS!
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