Your Solaris Virtual Private Server can provide total ASP support using Chili!Soft ASP a fully-compliant ASP interpreter. This means that Chili!Soft's ASP is compatible with Microsoft ASP, to ensure that applications developed with Microsoft ASP will run seamlessly on your Solaris Virtual Private Server. Chili!Soft supports JScript and VBScript ASP layout, as well as a wide range of database interfaces, including MySQL, PostgreSQL, and Oracle. In addition, Chili!Soft can connect to most remote databases. Developing ASPs for Chili!Soft can be done directly, or by using any of several popular Web site design tools, including Microsoft FrontPage and InterDev, Macromedia Dreamweaver, Adobe GoLive!, and Allaire HomeSite. This wide range of support makes Chili!Soft a powerful, yet easy to use tool for designing and managing dynamic Web sites.
NOTE: Chili!Soft and ColdFusion will not work on the same Virtual Private Server. Be sure to have only one or the other installed on any one Virtual Private Server. |
NOTE: Chili!Soft is available on the VPS platform only. Due to licensing restrictions, Chili!Soft cannot be installed on the MPS platform. |
Do the following, depending on your Virtual Private Server O/S.
Chili!Soft ASP is unavailable. -
Chili!Soft ASP can be added to your Solaris Virtual Private Server by contacting ITS Sales. There is a nominal monthly charge for Chili!Soft ASP. -
If you don't know your Virtual Private Server's O/S, try the following:
When Chili!Soft is installed on your Virtual Private Server, a process called caspd will start up automatically. This is the Chili!Soft daemon program. You may also see a process called caspeng running. If for some reason caspd is not running, you can start it by running startcasp from your Virtual Private Server command prompt. If you need to stop your Chili!Soft server for any reason, the command stopcasp should be used.
NOTE: The Chili!Soft Administration Console is not available on your Virtual Private Server. The functions available through the Administration Console can be modified by manually editing the Chili!Soft configuration files or using the command line Admin Tool (admtool). |
Your Chili!Soft configuration settings are stored in a text file named casp.cnfg located in the ~/usr/local/casp/asp-apache-3000/ directory on your Virtual Private Server. You should not need to make any changes to the default casp.cnfg file unless you are setting up advanced options such as turning on or off Virtual Subhosting, or adding applications.
You can also access sample ASP sites, test utilities, and documentation for Chili!Soft at this URL:
NOTE: The online documentation for Chili!Soft requires that Java is enabled in your browser. If your browser does not have Java support, you can view the documents in PDF format at this URL: http://YOUR-DOMAIN.NAME/caspdoc/pdf |
The online documentation is also available at the Chili!Soft Web site.
We support Chili!Soft ASP through installation and configuration. Chili!Soft supports the actual use of their product. Refer to the Chili!Soft Web site for supporting documentation, FAQs, and forums.
You can obtain e-mail and phone support for Chili!Soft ASP by purchasing the Chili!Soft Standard Support plan. Contact Chili!Soft sales for more information:
E-Mail: Phone (425) 818-1122 FAX: (425) 562-9565
Please note: the information on this page applies to ITS web hosting plans. It may or may not apply to other environments. If you are looking for a feature described here, or better support from your hosting provider, please consider hosting your site with ITS!
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