PostgreSQL 7 provides more enhancements than any earlier release. The major enhancements include the following:
Foreign keys are now available for PostgreSQL, except for partial-match foreign keys.
The optimizer has been greatly improved, providing better query plan selection and faster performance while using less memory.
The interactive psql terminal monitor has been upgraded with a variety of new features including variables, SQL interpolation, and customized prompting. See the psql manual for detailed information about these features.
PostgreSQL 7.0 supports the SQL92 join syntax (as inner joins only). Additionally, join, natural join, join/using, and join/on are now supported. Column correlation names are also a vailable.
Before Upgrading
Before upgrading from PostgreSQL 6.5 or PostgreSQL 7.0 to PostgreSQL 7.1, follow these instructions.
To dump your database onto your Virtual Private Servers, connect to your Virtual Private Server via Telnet or SSH and do the following.
Run this command:
% pg_dumpall > outputfile
To preserve the OIDs (such as when using them as foreign keys), use the -o option when running pg_dumpall. Make sure that you use the pg_dumpall command from the version you are currently running. Do not use the PostgresSQL 7.0 or PostgresSQL 7.1 pg_dumpall command on older databases.
If you are installing the new version in the same location as the old one, shut down the old server just before you install the new files. To find the old server process ID, use the command that matches your Virtual Private Server O/S.
To stop the process, locate the process ID and type this:
Continue by Installing PostgreSQL.
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