To install PostgreSQL on your Virtual Private Server, connect to your server via Telnet or SSH and run the following command:
% vinstall pgsql
The PostgreSQL installation includes all the necessary PostgreSQL files, initializes a database with the same name as your user name, and activates the postmaster daemon. Several wrapper scripts are available for all PostgreSQL commands. The wrapper scripts are automatically created when PostgreSQL is installed.
PostgreSQL is installed in a version-specific directory (~/usr/local/pgsql-7.X.X) and a symlink named pgsql is created that points to that directory.
To configure PostgreSQL (which is optional), add the following lines to your shell startup file, according to which shell your Virtual Private Server is running.
NOTE: To find out which shell your server is running, type: % echo $SHELL |
If you are using /bin/csh or one of its variants, then add the following lines to the ~/.cshrc file on your Virtual Private Server.setenv PGDATA /usr/local/pgsql/data setenv PGLIB /usr/local/pgsql/lib set path = (/usr/local/pgsql/bin $path)
/bin/sh & /bin/bash
If you are using the Bourne shell (/bin/sh or /bin/bash) then add the following lines to the ~/.profile file on your server:PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/pgsql/bin PGDATA=/usr/local/pgsql/data PGLIB=/usr/local/pgsql/lib export PGDATA PGLIB
The psql Client
The main tool for using PostgreSQL is the psql client. To start psql use this command:
% psql
The psql client will start up and you will be able to type in SQL code and ask for help.
NOTE: You may see the following error:
To resolve this, simply use the following command: % vpwd_mkdb ~/etc/passwd This program will read your password file at ~/etc/passwd and create a Berkeley DB format file. PostgreSQL uses this new file to look up user names and account information. |
Multi-Language Abilities in PostgreSQL
PostgreSQL allows for a number of languages by enabling specific character-sets in the databases. When you create a database in PostgreSQL, you can use the -E flag to enable support for a specific character set.
% initdb -E SET
The following is a list of the available character sets and the SET name to use to enable support for it.
Description |
Japanese EUC |
Chinese EUC |
Korean EUC |
Taiwanese EUC |
Unicode(UTF-8) |
Mule Internal Code |
LATIN1 ISO 8859-1 |
English and some Europe Lang |
LATIN2 ISO 8859-2 |
English and some Europe Lang |
LATIN3 ISO 8859-3 |
English and some Europe Lang |
LATIN4 ISO 8859-4 |
English and some Europe Lang |
LATIN5 ISO 8859-5 |
English and some Europe Lang |
KOI8 |
KOI8-R(U) |
Windows CP1251 |
Windows CP866 |
Removing PostgreSQL
To remove PostgreSQL from your server, connect to it via Telnet or SSH and do the following:
Remove the PostgreSQL software by running the commands that match your Virtual Private Server O/S.
% vuninstall pgsql
Edit your ~/etc/rc file, removing the line that contains postmaster.
Run the ps command, like this:
% ps -x
Determine the process ID of the PostgreSQL daemon and use kill to stop the PostgreSQL daemon:
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