We have compiled information on how to configure many popular e-mail programs with our service:
- Microsoft Outlook Express
- Microsoft Outlook 2007/2010
- Microsoft Outlook 2000 and 2003
- Microsoft Outlook 97/98
- PMMail
- Eudora (5.x)
For more information on which settings to use or how to configure e-mail accounts on our service, please see the POP Mail (incoming) and SMTP Mail (outgoing) topics.
** Important **
Your account name and password are case sensitive! If you have the
wrong case in your login, you may appear to connect but your software will think your mailbox
is empty.
Generic Configuration Instructions
Configuring e-mail settings may be different from program to program, but all e-mail programs require the same basic pieces of information. Here we list the different items required by most e-mail programs, and the proper way to configure them. If you have difficulty trying to figure out how to configure your particular piece of software, please consult the documentation that came with that program, or contact the software manufacturer.
POP mail
Some e-mail programs can check other types of e-mail boxes as well as POP. If your program asks
you which type of e-mail box you are using, select the option for POP3 e-mail. POP e-mail is
the default for most programs.
Address, Return Address, Reply-To Address
This is just like the return address on a postal letter. Enter the e-mail address of your account
here. Example: address@yourdomain.com.
UserID, Login, Username
Enter the POP3 Login that you were provided when your POP account was created. Generally this is in the format accountid.userid, for example acme.jeff. Some programs will ask for
a POP Account instead. In this case, enter accountid.userid@yourdomain.com. Note this login is usually different from your e-mail address.
Enter the password associated with your POP e-mail box. Some programs do not ask for the password
until you check your mail.
POP Server Name, Incoming Server Name
Enter yourdomain.com for the POP server name.
SMTP Server Name, Outgoing Server Name
Enter smtp.yourdomain.com, or you can use the SMTP server provided by your ISP. Some ISPs require you to use their outgoing SMTP server and try to block connections to other SMTP servers. If you find you are unable to connect to smtp.yourdomain.com, advanced users may try changing their SMTP port to either 587 or 5190 as alternates to the standard port 25.
SMTP Authentication
For security our servers require a login when you send e-mail, to prevent other people from posing as you and sending mail through your server. This login is the same as your e-mail Login and Password, above.
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