The mod_jserv Apache Module is a 100% pure Java Servlet engine fully compliant with the JavaSoft Java Servlet API 2.0 specification.
NOTE: The mod_jserv Apache module is an older bridge between Java and Apache. On FreeBSD Virtual Servers this is used to incorporate all the parsing of JavaServer Pages as well. The mod_jserv module runs unmodified on Solaris and talks to the Jakarta Tomcat Server if it is available, but is not as fast (and is no longer supported by the Java Apache group) as the mod_jk Apache Module is. For those who are migrating a lot of FreeBSD JavaServer Pages to Solaris, this might be a good solution until they can use the mod_jk module. |
NOTE: The Java Servlet engine can be very memory intensive. It may be necessary to upgrade your Virtual Server in order to use mod_jserv. |
Connect to your Virtual Private Server via Telnet or SSH and do the following.
Install the mod_jserv Apache module. Follow the directions that correspond to your server O/S.
Run the following command:% vinstall mod_jserv
If you don't know the Virtual Private Server O/S, try the following:
Using your favorite UNIX file editor find the following line in your ~/www/conf/httpd.conf file and uncomment it to enable mod_jserv. To uncomment the line, remove the # character.
#LoadModule jserv_module /usr/local/etc/httpd/modules/
Is mod_jserv Running?
At this point, if you run the top program you should see the Java Servlet engine running. The output to top will look something like this. The line with the COMMAND java is the Java Servlet engine.
last pid: 24593; load averages: 0.00, 0.01, 0.00 up 10+04:48:51 20:10:25
11 processes: 1 running, 10 sleeping
CPU states: 0.4% user, 0.0% nice, 1.5% system, 0.0% interrupt, 98.1% idle
Mem: 18M Active, 160M Inact, 24M Wired, 6304K Cache, 8273K Buf, 29M Free
Swap: 512M Total, 512M Free
24593 biff 28 0 1500K 720K CPU1 1 0:00 3.08% 0.29% top
24192 biff 18 0 20676K 3240K pause 0 0:47 0.00% 0.00% java
24185 biff 10 0 2108K 1300K nanslp 1 0:01 0.00% 0.00% httpsd
24181 biff 18 0 2156K 1384K pause 0 0:00 0.00% 0.00% httpsd
24590 biff 18 0 1304K 964K pause 0 0:00 0.00% 0.00% tcsh
You can also check to see if the Java Servlet engine is running by trying this URL.
If you see the following message in your browser then it is installed and running correctly.
Example Apache JServ Servlet
Congratulations, ApacheJServ 1.1 is working!
If you don't get the above message then check your error_log file and try enabling Apache Jserv logging by editing the following line in your ~/www/conf/jserv/ file to read true instead of false.
You may also try adding the Debug log channel by adding the following to your file.
NOTE: Logging can be a very expensive operation in terms of performance. You should turn logging off as soon as you correct the problem you are diagnosing. |
More Information
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