Java Servlets and JSPs are made available on the Virtual Private Server via Tomcat, the flagship product of the Apache Jakarta Project. Tomcat is a world-class implementation of the Java Servlet 2.2 and Java Server Pages 1.1 Specifications.
For best performance, Tomcat requires the mod_jk Apache Module, which is not available on FreeBSD VPS v1 accounts. |
- Install Java (JDK 2).
- There are currently two versions of Tomcat available for use. To install the newer Tomcat 4, run the following command from a Telnet or SSH prompt:
% vinstall tomcat4
If your servlets require Tomcat version 3, you can install it using:
% vinstall tomcat
This is the Java Servlet engine. It knows how to parse JavaServer pages, Java Servlets, and other kinds of things. It runs a web server on port 8080 and has a special jserv-type protocol listening on 8007. It also has an enhanced and improved protocol listening on 8009, which is what the mod_jk Apache Module talks to it on. The mod_jserv Apache Module talks on 8007.
The Tomcat installation includes online admin pages that can be accessed at this URL:
In order to set up a user name and password for these online admin pages, complete the following steps.
Change the admin context to true. Open the ~/usr/local/jakarta/jakarta-tomcat-3.2.1/conf/server.xml file and look for the following entry:
<!-- Admin context will use tomcat.core to add/remove/get info about the webapplications and tomcat internals. By default it is not trusted - i.e. it is not allowed access to tomcat internals, only informations that are available to all servlets are visible. If you change this to true, make sure you set a password. --> <Context path="/admin" docBase="webapps/admin" crossContext="true" debug="0" reloadable="true" trusted="false" > </Context>
You need to change the field trusted="false" to trusted="true".
Open the ~/usr/local/jakarta/jakarta-tomcat-3.2.1/conf/tomcat-users.xml file and add a user with roles set to admin. An example would be as follows:
<user name="johnny" password="cash" roles="admin" />
The name and password fields can be whatever you want but the roles need to include admin, though there can be additional (comma separated) roles.
Restart Tomcat. Use these commands:
% kill PID (use the ls or top command to find the PID of the Tomcat process). % virtual /usr/local/jakarta/jakarta-tomcat/bin/
More Information
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