Microsoft Exchange Server is a popular E-Mail and GroupWare utility designed to provide a suite integrated LAN productivity tools. One of the greatest benefits of Exchange Server to small businesses is the ability to allow for Dial-On-Demand network connectivity. This feature allows you to use a remote server, such as your Virtual Private Server, to queue up E-Mail when you are not online.
Configuring your Exchange Server
The following steps are general guidelines. You should consult your specific Exchange Server documentation for detailed instructions if you are unsure of how to do anything below.
NOTE: In order for Dial-On-Demand to work, you need to have a static IP address from your ISP. Please contact your ISP for information on obtaining a permanent IP address. |
Configure your Exchange Server for Dial-On-Demand. This requires adding an entry in the Exchange Server Phone Book that dials up to your ISP on a regular basis to allow you to download E-Mail from the queue on your Virtual Private Server. The interval you set between connections should be determined based off the volume of E-Mail traffic you handle, but keep in mind that if the interval is too long, you may have large delays between when the E-Mail was sent and when it gets delivered.
You will need to configure a TCP/IP Hostname and a Domain name configured for your Exchange Server. This name should be a valid domain name with a DNS A record. For example, if you have the domain MY-DOMAIN.NAME, you could set up your Exchange Server as exchange.MY-DOMAIN.NAME. You would then need to create the DNS A record to point exchange.MY-DOMAIN.NAME at the IP address your ISP has provided for you.
Configure your Exchange Server SMTP service to use your Virtual Private Server's SMTP server. You may also need to configure all your users to use this by using the Site Addressing Configuration page.
NOTE: If your ISP blocks SMTP on port 25, you may need to change your Exchange Server SMTP to use port 5190 on your Virtual Private Server, or your ISP's SMTP server.
See the Relaying E-Mail page for instructions on configuring your Virtual Private Server to queue up mail for a remote server.
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