Our hosting partner is proud to be one of only a few major hosting providers that can offer outgoing SMTP e-mail service. This allows you to send outgoing e-mail from our mail servers referenced with your own domain name. Although you can easily specify your own domain name within your mail program, many ISPs require you to send e-mail messages with the "From:" address showing your_userID@yourISP.net. This helps to prevent unauthorized "spammers" to use their mail servers. However, this looks unprofessional, especially when you are responding to e-mail sent to your domain. We give you the ability to send e-mail with the "From:" address showing your_name@yourdomain.com.
In order to use this feature, you will need to configure your e-mail program to use RapidSite's mail server referenced with your domain name. In your e-mail program's configuration options, specify smtp.yourdomain.com instead of the SMTP address given to you by your ISP. Also specify your_name@yourdomain.com as your "return address" or "reply-to address" in place of the e-mail address given to you by your ISP.
Sending Mail
In order to prevent unauthorized users from using our mail servers to send their "spam", we have set up a method that allows only authorized RapidSite customers to send e-mail through our mail servers. Before sending outgoing e-mail, you must validate yourself by checking e-mail from one of the POP accounts under the domain from which you wish to send e-mail. This is the key to our spam protection software. Checking your POP account with your userID and password activates our SMTP server, which gives you a 30 minute window during which you can send your outgoing mail. If you do not have a POP account, you will need to set up a POP account for your domain. If you wish, you can just set up a dummy POP account at your domain that has no purpose other than allowing you to activate the SMTP server, and set your e-mail program to check it every half hour.
Bulk Mail (Mass Mailing)
Please note, you will NOT be allowed to send bulk unsolicited e-mail through our SMTP server. See our Acceptable Usage Policy for more information.
When sending mail to multiple recipients, we recommend sending to groups of no more than 50 recipients at a time for performance reasons. Our servers are configured to reject messages sent to more than 99 recipients, however we recommend the smaller number to avoid serious performance degradation in our shared environment.
If you have a client list to which you would like to send regular notices via e-mail, we can assist with setting up your own mail server on one of your PCs to handle list management and the actual message transmission.
Please note: the information on this page applies to ITS web hosting plans. It may or may not apply to other environments. If you are looking for a feature described here, or better support from your hosting provider, please consider hosting your site with ITS!
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