Q: What tools are available for managing Shared Signature Hosting accounts?
A: The Shared Signature Hosting Control Panel contains all the tools that are required to manage
your account.
Q: What types of services are available for Shared Signature Hosting accounts from the Control Panel?
A: The following tools are provided in the Control Panel:
Site Manager
Users can install and add packages to their servers without the hassle of command line instructions.User Profiles
This allows you to add, delete, enable, and disable users. You can also create and remove e-mail aliases.Web Mail
Web Mail features a Web-based email client that allows users to send and receive e-mail messages from any browser.
Q: How is security provided for the Shared Signature Hosting account?
A: The account is protected with assigned separate logins and user passwords that are required
before Control Panel, SSH, or FTP information is made available.
Q: Is E-Commerce available for Shared Signature Hosting account?
A: Yes, e-commerce solutions featuring ShopSite product management and shopping cart software are available.
Q: Can I access my Shared Signature Hosting account through telnet?
A: Yes. Your Shared Signature Hosting account can be accessed through Telnet, SSH (Secure Shell),
and FTP sessions. We recommend using SSH rather than Telnet since SSH is encrypted.
Q: Can users access information from other users on the server?
A: No. Each user can access only information pertaining to their own account on the server.
Private user IDs and passwords prevent access from any other user on the rest of the server.
Q: Is my data regularly backed up?
A: Yes. Daily backups are performed on data.
For restoring data, if the information is still on the drive there is no fee; however, if the information must be retrieved from tape backup there will be a charge.
If you delete a file and it is still stored locally, you can use the Restore File utility (located under Site Configuration) to retrieve it.
Q: How many users can be added the Shared Signature Hosting account?
A: Your particular hosting plan determines how many users can be added to your Shared Signature Hosting account. Keep in mind that all users
share the same disk space limit for the account, which includes e-mail messages.
Q: What features are provided with a Shared Signature Hosting account?
A: Shared Signature Hosting provides a great feature set. A complete listing of Shared Signature features is on our web site.
Q: How do users access the Control Panel (Web Mail) through the Web?
A: Use the following procedure:
1. Start your Web browser.
2. Type http://[domain name]/ControlPanel/ in the address bar, then press Enter. The Account Login screen appears.
3. Type the user ID and password in the appropriate text boxes.
4. Click Log In. The Control Panel screen appears with the Site Manager displayed. (The Site Manager is the default Control Panel window.)
Q: How do I manage my log files?
A: Log files can be managed through the Control Panel. Click Manage Log Files. The Manage
Log File window appears. You have the option of clearing or rotating the log files. (See Managing
Log Files in the Help file for more information.)
Q: How do I add an additional user to my Shared Signature Hosting account?
A: Use the following procedures to add users to your Shared Signature Hosting account:
1. Start your Web browser
2. Log in to your Control Panel
3. Click User Profiles. The User List appears, displaying the list of users on your account.
4. Click Add New User. The Add User window appears.
5. Type the user ID and the user's full name.
6. Indicate user privileges by selecting the appropriate boxes.
7. Type the user's password in the password text box.
8. Click Save. The User Added screen appears, displaying the user's email address, login name, and full name.
9. Click User List to verify that the account was created.
(See Adding Users in the Help file for more information.)
Please note: the information on this page applies to ITS web hosting plans. It may or may not apply to other environments. If you are looking for a feature described here, or better support from your hosting provider, please consider hosting your site with ITS!
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