E-mail Forwarding allows you to configure any particular e-mail address at yourdomain.com to automatically forward to another valid Internet address. For example, you might want all e-mail sent to president@yourdomain.com to forward to the e-mail address of your company president. Any e-mail addresses that are not explicitly set to forward to another e-mail address or designated as a POP box are handled by the Master POP Account.
To configure E-mail Forwarding for an address at yourdomain.com, contact Technical Support and provide the desired e-mail address(es) and the matching destination address to which you would like each to be forwarded.
Unwanted E-mail
As you know, each domain includes a Master POP Account or Master Forwarding Address as a catch all address which can be used to catch all mail or improperly addressed mail to that account. However, several clients have expressed concern due to the amount of spam e-mail arriving at some domains by this address.
In response to this, upon request to Technical Support mail sent to undefined addresses at your domain will be refused as undeliverable.
Please note: the information on this page applies to ITS web hosting plans. It may or may not apply to other environments. If you are looking for a feature described here, or better support from your hosting provider, please consider hosting your site with ITS!
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