Linux VPS v3 and MPS v3 plans include a software firewall that can help prevent Denial of Service (DoS) and other types of attacks on your server. Your server comes with an easy configuration option for this firewall, or you can custom configure the firewall if you are experienced at doing so.
Easy Configuration
Via Control Panel
In the control panel for your server, under Software Administration, click Software Firewall. You will see three options:
Level | Setting | Services Allowed | TCP Port |
Off | No firewall. | ||
Low | Protection from port scans and DoS
Incoming ping requests are ignored. |
Medium | Allows essential and some convenient ports. | FTPS SSH TelnetS SMTP SMTPS HTTP HTTPS Web cache POP3 POP3S IMAP IMAPS DNS client NTP client Outbound auth (or identd) |
989,990 22 992 25 465 80 443 8080 110 995 143 993 53 UDP,TCP 123 UDP 113 |
High | Allows only essential, secure ports. | SSH SMTP SMTPS HTTP HTTPS Web cache POP3S IMAPS DNS client NTP client Outbound auth (or identd) |
22 25 465 80 443 8080 995 993 53 UDP,TCP 123 UDP 113 |
Via Command Line
After logging in to the server via SSH, use the set_fwlevel command to set the firewall level. For example, set_fwlevel 0 disables the firewall, while set_fwlevel 2 sets it to the Medium level. See man set_fwlevel for details.
If you modify your firewall settings using one of these methods they will overwrite any custom changes you have made to your firewall settings.
Custom Configuration
If you are familiar with firewalls and ipfilter, you can set up your own firewall rules using /sbin/ipf and /sbin/ipftest. A special command, reset_firewall, will clear all firewall rules. Custom firewall rules are not supported.
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